Hyundai Motor India introduces new Hyundai i20 N Line at Rs 9.99 lakh
The new Hyundai i20 N Line now gets a host of safety features.
Hyundai Motor India Limited (HMIL), today announced the launch of its motorsport-inspired performance-driven premium hatchback, the new Hyundai i20 N Line, at Rs 9.99 lakh.
The new Hyundai i20 N Line elevates technology to new heights with an array of 60+ connected car features, 127 Embedded VR commands, 52 Hinglish voice commands, 7 Ambient Sounds of Nature, Over-the-Air updates for maps and infotainment, Multilanguage UI support accommodating 10 Regional and 2 International languages, and a convenient C-Type charger.
Announcing the launch, Tarun Garg, COO, Hyundai Motor India said, "The i20 brand across generations has consistently set the bar in the premium hatchback segment in the country. Prioritising safety as a cornerstone, the new Hyundai i20 N Line now gets a host of safety features as standard such as 6 Airbags, Electronic Stability Control (ESC), Hill Start Assist Control (HAC), Vehicle Stability Management (VSM), 3-Point Seatbelts, and seatbelt reminder for all occupants.The new Hyundai i20 N Line, with its exciting athletic design and playful details, will surely set you apart in a crowd of lookalikes and will resonate profoundly with the ambitions of the young Indian buyers who wish to leave an indelible mark."
It is available in various colour options including Abyss Black (New), Atlas White, Titan Gray, Thunder Blue, Starry Night, Atlas White with Abyss Black Roof, and Thunder Blue with Abyss Black Roof and is available with a 3 Year/ 1 00 000 Km warranty with an option of extended warranty.
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